Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Dear Friend

Hmm, I'm sure these kinds of posts will end soon... *lesigh*

For sure, this is going to be the last time I help anyone out for a project.  And you know!? It isn't because I don't like working for them, it isn't that I don't like to help out others because I really do!! 

I honestly just don't like disappointing people. :( I don't like it when I can't meet deadlines. And I don't like it when they're not happy. Blarrg! I just can't take it! I am seriously itching to get working on my own projects... and I can't even start it until I get through with the one's I've fallen into. 

Again, it really isn't the other party's fault. I really shouldn't have accepted to help them in the first place. But they asked for my help... But...

BUT could they give me some slack? I've basically spent the last several days working on one project after the other... Since Wednesday, I've managed to pull 4 all nighters, and I'm probably going to pull one tonight as well for tomorrow's final. Gahhhh, I hate this complaining I do. 

I don't want to say, "I'm just a student" because that's putting limits... but REALLY, I don't want to go to sleep at 7 am making lists about things I have to do the next day, I want to wake up and and freak out that I'm 30 minutes behind schedule. I want to EAT breakfast and enjoy the dinosaurs in my oatmeal! I want my TEA to actually SEEP! I want to lounge in my pajamas instead of head straight out the door. I want to take cat naps that don't replace my night sleep. I want to MAKE puppets for FUN and not feel horrible while doing it. I want to see my friends. I want to have fun. :(

I'm sorry if my priorities were jumbled by the thoughts of this quarter ending. I just can't wait to get out of here. Yesterday night, was horrible. :( I don't think I've ever pulled such a painful all nighter. T__T; Besides being so behind in making the porfolio, because it was large I had to work on the floor... BAH! I was basically on my knees for 24 hours. I seriously stood up... and fell over because my legs were so numb. Definitely, my brain cells are NOT regenerating...

Huuu... I want Christmas break to be fun and not consumed by this upcoming project that I just got lectured about... :( Huuuu.... I want to make Christmas presents. T___T;

OK. I better get crackin' on my final for tomorrow... :)

Good luck everyone! :3

1 comment:

Bubydub said...

Good luck my dear! Its almost over and I know you can get through it!!