Thursday, December 18, 2008

For Now

Currently, I'm bundled in layers of coats and scarves. I feel like I haven't taken my scarf off in a couple of days. Lol. ^ ^

This week, I've been exceedingly lazy and bummish. :) But I guess it can't be helped, after a quarter of doom, I think this lazing around is necessary for balance. Unfortunately, I'm stuck working on puppets tonight. :P Tomorrow I have to go to Leslie's house and work on our show... ;_;' So, I really ought to get cracking.

I can't believe it's only 6 days till Christmas. :( I don't think that's right at all. I still feel like it should be in a week or two. Either way, I'm screwed for Christmas greetings and presents. :( I really wanted to make Christmas presents for everyone. But I don't think I'll get to it. Hopefully a card or two... 

My plan is... New Year's presents! :D Or Spring presents! Or just a really really belated Christmas present! :D It's never too late to give presents... Even if it's November..? Maybe... Ahaha...

Speaking about Christmas cards and presents, today I got two of them!  I received one in the mail from someone really unexpected! It was one of the photographers I met at a convention. I barely knew him because I thought he was more into the cosplayer I was cosplaying with at the time. In fact, I thought he didn't even recognize me or remember me from the shoot, let alone know my address! Either way, it really made me smile. I was starting to feel like a lot of the cosplayers I knew were apart of a circle that I could never be apart of. But this small gesture, really meant a lot to me. I really want to give him a Christmas card back. 

Also, someone gave me a subscription to ACP. It was another one of my photographer friends that I met around the same time. Now! I can upload more pictures and costumes. *u* (Wow. I sound like a freak T__T;) 

Either way, I was really touched by both small gestures. T___T; It really made me want to keep making costumes. My passion for it has definitely been dwindling because I felt my reasons were wrong. I mean, I do make them for my own fun and leisure, but I mean, I don't really give it enough time and love. So, now I have a better reason. :)

Other then that, the weather is just ridiculous. It got so cold lately!? I just have no idea how that happened. - -; It seriously feels like snow is about to come any second. 

*prays for snow* 

Happy Christmas everyone. :)


Tyler Joe said...

prays for snow?

it snowed here in the inland valley yesterday. A LOT

VSC said...

camille! i miss you!
keep lazying around, please :D it's good for you hehe.

c a m i l l e said...

IT SNOWED! THERE! (wahhh I'm so late in responding - -;;) SO lucky. T___T; If it snowed here it would make up for the coldness.