Sunday, February 28, 2010

Crazy Sunshine

Ugh. I'm so excited for the FAST fashion show. I just want to get started on it already. I've been thinking about it non-stop all day. :( And of course right in front of me... is a good 300 pages of Western Islamic Art. D: OMG. KILL ME. Not to mention the installation due next week. FUCK. I'm so screwed. D: OMG. Why am I even writing this blog!? Why?!

*continues to day dream* Yeah-- I just want to start playing again.

Today and yesterday, I did nothing at all. Though I guess observing the world can be somewhat productive in a not so short term way. I visited my grandma's house and stole a number of her clothes for myself. Then I went to UCLA to buy some paint, only to find that I left my bruin card at home. So I just decided to head home.

I really need to get a better camera. :\ Or learn how to use one properly. :}

Till then, these posts will be colorless as they are. So I will leave you with unrelated photos from this quarter.

{omg. dont click them, they're unbelievably large photos}

This is my first Gatchaman costume of the quarter.
And the next was my first visit to Bergamont Station. Which I all advise everyone to check out one day. :)

Anyway. Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Return of the Wind

And history repeats itself once again! Again, those places I used to blog in are seemingly distant. I feel uncomfortable writing things that are too long or too often. So I think I shall hide here once again. :)

After reading some entries from before, I realize that I actually should document the days I have. The quarter is almost over-- and to be honest, this quarter has been one of the best. {not including Western Islamic Art History though} That class can just die. D: But everyday is so great.

Painting has been so absolutely amazing. Our class is just superb. And I'm not saying that I'm producing anything magnificent this time because I definitely don't think so... But I must admit. I feel like I am apart of a great company of wondrous minds. It is really too sad that these days are too soon coming to an end.

Yesterday, though I was procrastinating on my painting work, I found myself with some painters in a lovely conversation about information and sources and the world. God. Its so amazing. Sometimes, after hearing these things, I get back that old feeling I used to have. The feeling that I can do anything. Why am I so damn concerned about making money and being someone in society when there is the world?

The world is out there and it is open to anyone. We have ways to override the system. We have minds that think. We are not just this, but way more.

And even one can make it. Imagine two or three, or ten or one million. It is so scary how we've confined ourselves. How money has made ideas, constraints, possibility, and fear. How I feel I can't trust anything anymore. Is it love? Is this bed made to make me lazy!? {no, that's just me... lol} BUT GOD. Its so freaking amazing.

Anyway. Enough stupid talk... I am not yet one to just drop my life and go. I'll download that part when I have a better connection.

Well, I pray for your wellness. I pray for happiness. And I am so screwed for my finals. Good luck to all of you and all your work. :)