Thursday, November 20, 2008

Root Beer Popsicles

I guess I just want to elaborate a little. :) There are all together 31 bells. They are made of Kai Porcelain and are strung with ribbon. I used a good number of my glass beads for the ringer and the wind catchers are photos from the summer. :3

Actually, I think I'm going to take them down tomorrow. >_<>

I strung them to the ceiling... with nylon thread, which mind you, is actually really thin. (maybe that's why a number of them dropped. :T)

Those are actually digital images... printed from Shutterfly. :)

Stay put you silly picture! Stop moving so much!

It was really fun, overall. I am given the next step, which is to basically expand the project... so I think I'll be making a bunch more... probably bigger too. :)

Other then that, I've completely wasted my day by loitering online. Haha... I didn't do an ounce of homework! Though, I did meet up with an elementary friend of mine. And that was nice. I treated myself to boba with Vivian... which didn't make my now-empty-pockets too happy. But it was really head-ache-relieving, so I guess it was worth its 2.95. Other then that, I found myself trying to remove this black gunk off of the bench next to my desk. And somehow in the process... All the black gunk ended up on my hands. 

I'm going to have to make a pair of shorts tomorrow. :T I'm not too confident in my lack of pattern making skills... but I'll just try. 

What else... I went grocery shopping today! It was really hard not to be tempted by the cookie dough ice cream and all the juices. *Swoon* Again... the same story with the empty pockets. I did manage to scramble change for rootbeer float popsicles though. :) And eggs. Which is basically what my diet is. Huuu...


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