Friday, November 7, 2008

Pull Through!

It has occurred to me that I now uncomfortable writing in my other blogs. Livejournal has made me accutely sensitive to one particular viewer. Thus, my blogging has been hindered and not as detailed as they usually are. I suppose I should be on a search for a new blog location for now. 

I've made a tumblr account and have been trying to get used to that one... however because it doesn't really allow comments from other viewers I sort am not so interested. 

Of all the blogs I have, I think I am going to try and settle here. At least for now... Though as to why I am up at this ungodly hour is something even I'd like to know. I really should have been more keen on doing my homework before 1 am. Oh well. 

Other then that... I suppose I can gladly admit that this week I have proved to be the most lazy fart. Compared to other days, I at least know when I should feel a crisis of work load... yet I haven't and I've been paying for it dearly. :T

In the end, I know I'll pull through, even if it means sleeping with my eyes open tomorrow. 

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