Saturday, November 22, 2008

Magic Lanterns and Golden Sarees

Through complete coincidence, I met a professor that took me to his office...
And in his office was an array of magical lanterns!

No joke! That's what it's called! They covered his room, filled shelves, and tables, in all different sizes. The other wall was just completely covered with books of all sorts. I spotted a tamagochi and a couple japanese toys amidst the display of treasures... and somewhere in the middle was his desk and computer, pilled with papers and completely enveloped with post-it notes that stuck to almost every part of this desk.

Ahhh! I'm in so much awe! He was such an amazingly cool teacher! How could I have not known?! It just astounds me how there exist magic rooms in these bleak buildings!

I'm kinda a little down in the dumps though... :T

So, yesterday, I headed off to the debut performance I costume designed for. She asked me to fix some minor details on her accessories and help her with her costumes and so I did. I had come with another teacher, so we picked up our tickets and sat down in the audience.

My teacher says to me: "You don't have a bio, like last performance..."

I had noticed that... and usually I get at least a sentence, but really the only thing running in my mind was, "How come she didn't thank me in her statement?" I could see our friend the music designer and other collaborators... but I was a little sad that she didn't mention me.

And I know. GOD, I know! That I should be happy enough with just my name in there, but I really did put a lot of effort and work into her performance. :( Its already one thing that I'm not getting paid, but its really the fact that this isn't a job! It isn't a profession... it's my time and I'm doing it because I'm her friend, because I want to help her.

Sometimes I think... is it really worth it to be working on these things? She told me that its real experience as a costume designer... but really, am I getting any experience out of it that I wouldn't be getting if I decided to use that time to work on my own show and make a name for myself? I really don't know. Gah. I don't want to sound so stubborn and naive. But I guess, all I wanted was that thank you.

Either way... you just have to keep going huh? :) I just can't wait for this quarter to end. I just want Christmas time to come already... Lol. I want apple cider. I want to play. :3

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