Sunday, November 30, 2008

I Want to Stay Home

My laziness has seriously reached an all time high. I don't even want to upload pictures because I'm so lazy. GUH. Home makes me lazy. But I'd rather be here than in my for-some-reason-cold apartment. :( I just want worries to be over with. I just want to eat food and be fat and happy. I just want time to be my friend. Can't we just be friends already! 

Jeez. I'm going crazy. Yesterday, I went clubbing. I actually don't normally go, but either way it was a great adventure again almost involving police and having my checking card swallowed by the atm machine.  Bah... It was still fun though. :)

Today, in celebration for my mom's birthday, we all went to a cheap massage place in San Gabriel. Lol. OMG... the guy who massaged me really had no mercy. I think my back is broken. My rock of a back has been broken in. He had a kick out of my pants. My pants are the kinds that can zip off in two places so it can be long shorts or shorter than long shorts. So when I started unzipping the first level, my massager was amused. I think my sister's massager was too. 

We decorated the Christmas tree today. :) I know its basically the same fake Christmas tree, with the same decorations...

But I absolutely love it. I love how epic it always looks and how Christmassy I feel after putting it up. I love that I can see it through the window when we pull into the drive way and how its always on. Bah, it's my favorite.

We also took our annual Christmas photo for the Costco Christmas Card that we send to families and what not. It's so funny. I feel like its a contest between all our relatives. We all send out family christmas cards to each other with (for some reason) just the kids on it. For some reason, our Christmas card always makes Yanna (my sister) and me look like a couple with our son... T___T; Whatever. We still have better photos. Ahaha.

I watched part of the movie 'Keeping the Faith' with Ben Stiller and Edward Norton. Guh. I loved the line Brian says to Anna
 in the confessional... "I'm the best version of myself when I'm with you." *dies* God, romantic comedies are just so darn great. 

Anyway... I've been procrastinating since Wednesday. :( I really need to get a move on my work... or I'll be in deep trouble. *Shudder* I can just feel it coming, the wave of horrible piles of stinky work. Huuu...

Hope all of your Thanksgivings were great. :)

My Thanksgiving basically was composed of this. A candy apple making session at a sleepover at my grandma's house. 

Why, yes! Hello there, I am Rosie the Riveter!

And this is what our Christmas card is going to look like.... kinda. 
I wonder if you noticed. Christian's face was so wacky in the actual photo... so i cut out a face from another photo and placed it on top. o_o;

Hu hu hu, Christmas is here. *u*

My dad and Christian helped put up decorations. :3 

1 comment:

Bubydub said...

Hahahaa crazy massage people...Have you ever gotten a foot massage? THAT IS TRUE PAIN. I got one when I was in like...4th grade, and I think I started crying from the pain LOL

Your Christmas tree sounds and looks so cute! My mom is actually out buying a Christmas tree now...HOHO! Its our first one in 3 years, so I'm really excited : D

AWWW is that your younger brother? HE'S SO CUTE! And yeah, you guys DO look like a couple BUHAHAHAHA

I'm glad you had a good thanksgiving! What did you eat? 8D