Tuesday, April 5, 2011

small updates in small amounts

Oh dear, what a blast from the past.

To log into this blogspot-- I had to recover my password to my hacked yahoo and forgotten gmail accounts. And it got me reading all these old emails from suitors and funny things like that. Geez, what a flirt I was. Thank god I'm not there anymore... handling one man is enough troublejoy. :)

Some of those boys are seriously pieces of work. So glad I kept to myself.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello New Year

Life as I know it is so far so great. :) 

And before I forget two days ago, sometime around 1:30 my roommates and I were talking about random things and I felt really happy. So I'll just write it there, just in case I forget. 

Today, Eddie and I are heading down to Los Angeles-- yet again for another convention. Half done as usual. Wigs haven't come in yet. *sadsadface* And yet its all so exciting. 

Last night, Eddie went to get me some juice-- and only after finishing it did we realize it was expired. And as for now, as I sit in this office at work-- watching the smoke clouds drift into the valley from a fire in Carmel, along with my ankle which has started hurting so much that I am limping.

As for now, happy new year everyone. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Yes, I've been away. A lot. I know. :(

BUT! I think I'll be more around town. :) I moved in with Eddie in Salinas. Its a quiet, kinda, sorta place. And I'm poor, but I want to move, and its cold here. But nonetheless, life here is really nice. I have enough friends to keep me company. I have Eddie, who is always lovely. And I found a job, which is probably what cemented my move here.

Currently, I am at the office in Carmel. And since everyone is away and I am left here to man the station, I have basically found myself with a good amount of time to go back and restart all my internet networks I have completely been neglecting. :(

Besides that, I really want to get back into the swing of making art and cutting paper. I really want to start making things to sell for the holidays-- but those are always such a bust, unless I'm completely in the mood to do it.

Well, I guess I'll try to dump some photos here while I'm at it :) Thanks for reading and things...

i have an endless amount of fish photos... to tell you the truth

this is iris. we are at the park. we just played baseball for real.

this is the clam chowder-ramen-deviled-eggs combo made by eddie.

and this is eddie. who i beat at chess that day. 


Monday, July 12, 2010

Dango Dango Dango

What did I do today...?

Today was Lotus Festival. Eddie and I woke up and got ready for church, which we later ended up ditching for some Roast Beef sandwiches. *u* Sorry... I've been neglecting church for a while, which doesn't mean I've lost my heart for the spiritual, I've just sort of lost it for ritual.

But, besides that, "we went to church"  and then escorted my grandmother to do various errands. After taking her home, we go to the 99cents store for some random items and then head back home.

I start to get ready for the Lotus Festival and Eddie rests a little because hes not feeling too good.  Yu calls and says she can't come early with us. Vivian says shes not feeling good. And Jimmy calls to say he wants to go! So we wait for Jimmy and then head out.

We  get to Echo Park and begin our journey to find the free ticket for food. Sam's BBQ. I ended up eating just a little and buying horchata which soon got inhabited by a dragonfly. D:

Next I run back to the stage to get ready to dance. This will be the last time I see my teacher this year. She's moving back to Thailand for a teaching gig there and wont be returning till next year. :( So this might be the last time we'll be dancing together for a while. Despite that we did a pretty good run and had a blast as usual. I'll miss everyone and her. Its always so great to see everyone. Ahhhh.

Jimmy, Eddie, and I then head out to Little Tokyo (again) and find some dango. We search for some anime store and figure that they are all closed. Afterwards we go back to my house and just chill and talk about future cosplays. We settled on a couple and vowed to try and keep ourselves from changing the plans. Hahahaha we'll see about that.

Anyway that was my day. Now Eddie and I are just on the computer... again. I'm hungry and have been sneezing while writing this whole entry.


Saturday, July 10, 2010


I really want to remember the days... before I totally forget. D:

Today I woke up at around 8 and got Eddie out of bed at around 11. :) We ate with my family before heading out for my Thai dance practice. Eddie hasn't been feeling so well lately, so we've been really chill lately. Which is good because anymore not chill and I really would end up spending I don't know how much on food that is soooo good.

Anyway, today was Thai dance practice so I headed over to Waewdao's place. Got there 30 minutes late because of my stupid GPS. D: Despite that, the reunion between friends was great as usual. Eddie had to stay in the car because he wanted to lie down... so I came to visit him every now and then with some chocolates and water. :)

We're dancing at the Lotus Festival tomorrow! So incase anyone wants to come or something... I dunno, I think its gonna be pretty fun. :)

Besides that, Eddie and I went to try and get money for my Japanese book but the store was closed. D: So we headed down to Sawtelle in attempts to buy some purin... BUT, there was none. However the day was saved because we ran into my bestfriend Vivian. :) She was working at Giant Robot and was having some trouble with the credit card machine. Her boss looks kinda scary.

We went to Nijiya market (where we discovered there was no purin left) but decided to buy dango and takoyaki instead (eddie's favorite dishes). WAHH it was soooo good. I love takoyaki. *u*Ughhhhh.

Afterwards, we called it a day, said bye to Vivian, decided that the source of his sickness was the fact that we'd been watching anime and live action dramas for the past 3 days straight. So we vowed not to use the computer until tomorrow. However, Eddie has fallen into a deep sleep, and I have obviously broken that vow. D:

Oh well. :) I think I shall start writing in here more. :) Maybe adding pictures as well.

Hope everyone's well!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Crazy Sunshine

Ugh. I'm so excited for the FAST fashion show. I just want to get started on it already. I've been thinking about it non-stop all day. :( And of course right in front of me... is a good 300 pages of Western Islamic Art. D: OMG. KILL ME. Not to mention the installation due next week. FUCK. I'm so screwed. D: OMG. Why am I even writing this blog!? Why?!

*continues to day dream* Yeah-- I just want to start playing again.

Today and yesterday, I did nothing at all. Though I guess observing the world can be somewhat productive in a not so short term way. I visited my grandma's house and stole a number of her clothes for myself. Then I went to UCLA to buy some paint, only to find that I left my bruin card at home. So I just decided to head home.

I really need to get a better camera. :\ Or learn how to use one properly. :}

Till then, these posts will be colorless as they are. So I will leave you with unrelated photos from this quarter.

{omg. dont click them, they're unbelievably large photos}

This is my first Gatchaman costume of the quarter.
And the next was my first visit to Bergamont Station. Which I all advise everyone to check out one day. :)

Anyway. Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Return of the Wind

And history repeats itself once again! Again, those places I used to blog in are seemingly distant. I feel uncomfortable writing things that are too long or too often. So I think I shall hide here once again. :)

After reading some entries from before, I realize that I actually should document the days I have. The quarter is almost over-- and to be honest, this quarter has been one of the best. {not including Western Islamic Art History though} That class can just die. D: But everyday is so great.

Painting has been so absolutely amazing. Our class is just superb. And I'm not saying that I'm producing anything magnificent this time because I definitely don't think so... But I must admit. I feel like I am apart of a great company of wondrous minds. It is really too sad that these days are too soon coming to an end.

Yesterday, though I was procrastinating on my painting work, I found myself with some painters in a lovely conversation about information and sources and the world. God. Its so amazing. Sometimes, after hearing these things, I get back that old feeling I used to have. The feeling that I can do anything. Why am I so damn concerned about making money and being someone in society when there is the world?

The world is out there and it is open to anyone. We have ways to override the system. We have minds that think. We are not just this, but way more.

And even one can make it. Imagine two or three, or ten or one million. It is so scary how we've confined ourselves. How money has made ideas, constraints, possibility, and fear. How I feel I can't trust anything anymore. Is it love? Is this bed made to make me lazy!? {no, that's just me... lol} BUT GOD. Its so freaking amazing.

Anyway. Enough stupid talk... I am not yet one to just drop my life and go. I'll download that part when I have a better connection.

Well, I pray for your wellness. I pray for happiness. And I am so screwed for my finals. Good luck to all of you and all your work. :)